
If you want to see and understand Cuba, you should go on a tour with Valerie. I have been on two Cuba tours with her. Her long history with Cuba, personal connections and friendships in Cuba and deep objective knowledge of Cuban culture make her an invaluable source of information and connection. On a tour with Valerie, you get a deep, thorough and personal introduction to the people of Cuba, not a superficial tour of the standard highlights.

Steven Levinson

Remarkably talented in so many ways, Valerie designed and managed th largest (at the time) delegation of EdTech and Broadband specialist to Cuba in May 2016. Her network of contacts and relationships in Cuba are as deep as they are diverse. Valerie assembled opportunities for meaningful dialogue between our delegation of 30 and our Cuban counterparts, including breaking bread and learning from the experiences of our new Cuban friends. I highly recommend Valerie for an unforgettable and deeply meaningful program in Cuba.

Lev Gonick

I have had the great privilege of visiting Cuba twice with Valerie as my leader, tour guide, logistics manager, cultural interpreter, and ambassador. She is extremely knowledgeable about Cuban history and culture, and takes seriously the importance of intercultural exchange as a means of developing deep and transformative relationships. Valerie also has a very high EQ and is especially adept at handling the specific and idiosyncratic needs of tour groups. I highly recommend Valerie and have directed countless people to her for advice about travel to Cuba. The next time I go to Cuba, I hope it will be on a tour with Valerie.

Suzanne M. Rivera